
Ghost recordings in the stone

Oct 24, 2017

Home 9 For fun 9 Ghost recordings in the stone

We like to do a post every Halloween season about something spooky and stone-related. This year we stumbled across the “stone tape” theory.

The stone tape theory is the idea that ghosts and hauntings are akin to tape recordings, and impressions are made during emotional or traumatic events and somehow “stored” in rocks and other items and “replayed” under certain conditions. Some believe that ghosts are not spirits of the deceased, but simply non-interactive stone recordings similar to a movie.

What do you think?

If you ask our team, many of whom have spent countless hours in cavernous, ancient buildings in the middle of the night, they’ll likely tell you a few horror stories. Though most feature scary floor care, nasty grout or beautiful marble floors buried under decades of rugs and glue.

More about stone theory here:


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